Sunday, December 21, 2008


So I was a total bum and missed gratitude month, but I wanted to give a shout out to my family. Probably the best way to describe them is they are nuts, but we have a lot of laughs together. Through the years we have been through a lot, our parents divorce, the death of our brother, I miss Keith every day, cancer. We keep plugging along and wetting our pants, what else can you do. What else should you do?

This picture was taken at the wedding of the first grandchild and the first wedding of the nieces and nephews. That wedding was a blast.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Girls are from Venus, boys are from Mars

So on Saturday my really fun husband said he would go with me to this quilt shop I had seen online. We got in the jeep plugged the address in the GPS and away we went. The place was in Morgantown, PA and we avoided the turnpike and went the back way through Downingtown it was a nice drive and we had a really fun time.

The quilt shop was a really kooky place, it was like a loft around a grocery store. Mick and I had a blast looking down at all the food shoppers and eyeing our purchases, we laughed a lot.

While we were driving home, we were looking at the the different cars on the road and started talking about how GM apologized for making crappy cars. I then made a very huge mistake. I mentioned that I have only owned 1 American car in my lifetime well what happened after that was Mick then proceeded to tell me every car he has ever purchased, how much they were, where he was working when he bought it and how it got wrecked (he very rarely has just gotten tired of a car and bought a new one. After many minutes of this I got completely hysterical laughing because I did not remember asking him his car history, but like a boy he felt the need to tell me. It was a very funny moment and made me really think about how different men and women are.