Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pool Day

This picture is suppose to go with the previous post, quite the experiment to figure out if i could post mobile-like with my iPhone. I might just have some fun with this little thing I just figure out. Not that anyone reads this, but it is fun none the less.


The clouds earlier scared me, now I think my pool day can begin.

I am trying to figure out if I can post mobile-like. But I think I
lost the picture.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day

Cape May Point for Father's day was a blast. Margie, Jeanne, Janet, Lily and Lia and I all drove down to the shore for daddy's day. I spent the better part of Friday and Saturday quilting a gift for him.

Here we are with the quilt:
We went for a walk on the beach

collected shell, rocks, driftwood and hung out on the lifeguard stand. It was not great beach weather.

We had a scrumptious dinner that Lynne cooked on the grill and we went on another walk to the circle. The sun look really cool on St Pete's the little catholic church on the circle.

Then we went down to Sunset Beach and it was a beautiful sunset.

I Love you, Dad.